Harold Blair EP [n.d.]


Title: Harold Blair with the Choir of the Dutch Choral Society and Horace Weber, Organ

Record label: Sound & Film Enterprises of Australia Pty. Ltd.

Year of publication: [n.d.]

Condition: vinyl is in fine condition with no marks or scratches; album cover in good condition

Album notes: Harold Blair is one of Australia’s best tenors. He was born on an Aboriginal reserve in Queensland in 1924, and after a limited period of schooling, he worked on diary farms, his first job helping to milk 100 cows night and morning for 15/- per week.

He next worked in the cane fields where his singing ability was discovered. An audition was arranged for the young Aborigine with the famous Marjorie Lawrence, who said “Give this lad a chance and he will go a long way”.

After years of study at the Dame Nellie Melba Conservatorium in Melbourne, and assisted by many white friends, Harold Blair became the first Aborigine to gain a Diploma of Music.

A successful Melbourne fund-raising tour enabled him to continue his studies in the U.S.A., where he sang on Radio, T.V., and in Concerts, climaxed by a Farewell Concert in New York’s Town Hall.

Mr. Blair has ably striven for the welfare of his people in Victoria, and in 1957 they were granted full Citizenship Rights in that State. His Appointment to the Conservatorium of Music to teach was cut short by an invitation to represent his People at a World Assembly of Nations in Switzerland, after which he made a concert tour of 10 European Countries, followed by a further American Tour of six weeks. He played the Lead in a musical adaptation of “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” in Melbourne, and is in constant demand for Concert, Radio, and T.V. Appearances.

Mr. Blair is supported by the Dutch Choral Society conducted by Mr. A. C. Ziegler. The skilful accompaniment is by Horace Weber at the Conn Organ.

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