



Illustrations by Francis Collie,  http://fran6co.sur-la-toile.com

The earliest known didgeridoos were made from bamboo.

Most didgeridoos made in Australia are cut from living trees.

Popular culture celebrities linked to the didgeridoo include Madonna, The Beatles, Nicole Kidman, and Dizzee Rascal.

In 2005 the British Medical Journal published as study on the effects of didgeridoo playing on snoring and obstructive sleep apnea.

A eucalyptus tree cut down to make a didgeridoo will not regrow or sprout new stems, unless it is a malled-type eucalyptus species endemic to south-east and south-west Australia.

In the Northern Territory and Queensland, making a didgeridoo usually involves killing a tree.

A good didgeridoo should not necessarily have a beeswax mouthpiece. Men in the age bracket of 45-54 years old from North America, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands are the most likely cohort of individuals likely to have an interest in the didgeridoo, outside of Australia.

Didgeridoo beatboxing is a modern and popular form of musical expression using the didgeridoo.

The didgeridoo is still used for ceremonial and ritual purposes in parts of Aboriginal Australia.

In 2012 an astronaut, Don Pettit, conducted a personal experiment on board the International Space Station. He played the didgeridoo in zero gravity to create water droplet sphere oscillations.